
Showing posts from April, 2018

Teaching Psychology - Adjusting to Linear Specifications

Lather, Rinse, Repeat! Relevant for GCSE and A-Level As a school, we decided that this year we would not enter our students for AS exams and 'go linear' instead. This has many pros in that we can be far more flexible with the order of topics covered, we can build skills (especially for 16 markers) consistently from the beginning of year 12, and students don't lose a block of time at the end of year 12 for revision and the exam period. The cons seem to be that students can be less motivated in year 12 due to having no exams, and can worry more about how much they will have to know for year 13 (no matter how many times you tell them they'd have to know the same amount regardless of whether they sat the AS or not). Consequently, I started thinking of strategies that I could use to help students to consolidate their knowledge over the two-year period. Below, I have selected a couple of strategies that I am experimenting with this year that enable me to assess how well